Better nutrition
for people everywhere
We develop innovative

is a naturally occurring iron-binding protein found in milk that is known for its anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory and immunological properties.

The Power of Lactoferrin

actoferrin plays a vital role in the body’s immune system by contributing to innate defense and modulating immune responses. It can provide protection during respiratory or digestive tract infections. The powerful health benefits of lactoferrin have been the focus of extensive scientific research for over 50 years. As a result, it is one of the most thoroughly studied and well-known proteins and is generally recognized as safe by the FDA (GRAS notice no. 669).


Milk Storage Tanks

Usually process ends up here and extracted protein is spray drayed. Impurities which are bound to protein are still present in the product (it should be emphasized), protein treated with high temperature is denatured (structure should be distorted on the graph).



Usually process ends up here and extracted protein is spray drayed. Impurities which are bound to protein are still present in the product (it should be emphasized), protein treated with high temperature is denatured (structure should be distorted on the graph).



Usually process ends up here and extracted protein is spray drayed. Impurities which are bound to protein are still present in the product (it should be emphasized), protein treated with high temperature is denatured (structure should be distorted on the graph).


Freeze dryer

Usually process ends up here and extracted protein is spray drayed. Impurities which are bound to protein are still present in the product (it should be emphasized), protein treated with high temperature is denatured (structure should be distorted on the graph).



Usually process ends up here and extracted protein is spray drayed. Impurities which are bound to protein are still present in the product (it should be emphasized), protein treated with high temperature is denatured (structure should be distorted on the graph).



Usually process ends up here and extracted protein is spray drayed. Impurities which are bound to protein are still present in the product (it should be emphasized), protein treated with high temperature is denatured (structure should be distorted on the graph).


How it works

With a focus on quality and innovation, SMF Health produces and supplies top-tier ingredients sourced from whey and milk. Our ingredients are widely used in the manufacturing of infant nutrition and food supplements, providing essential nutrients to individuals and clients across the world.
SMF Health is an operating company of SMF Maschinenfabrik.

Vital role in the body’s immune system

Lactoferrin supplementation is designed to strengthen your immune system and promote healthy digestion. If you’re looking for an effective way to ward off colds and infections, lactoferrin is a natural choice. And for those who require extra iron, such as pregnant women or individuals with anemia, our lactoferrin supplement is a superior option to traditional iron supplements.
Our products are held to the highest standards of quality and purity. We use gold-standard methods like high-performance liquid chromatography, mass spectrometry, and electrophoresis to verify the purity of our proteins. And to ensure the stability of our products, we evaluate them using independent, robust methods like differential scanning fluorimetry.
For the extraction of the lactoferrin and other proteins from milk and whey, we are using innovative, state-of-the-art flow columns based on ion-exchange chromatography principle.
Due to the wise choice of separative techniques proteins provided by SMF Health are pure, stable and active.
Antifungal activity

Usually process ends up here and extracted protein is spray drayed. Impurities which are bound to protein are still present in the product (it should be emphasized), protein treated with high temperature is denatured (structure should be distorted on the graph).


Antibacterial activity

Usually process ends up here and extracted protein is spray drayed. Impurities which are bound to protein are still present in the product (it should be emphasized), protein treated with high temperature is denatured (structure should be distorted on the graph).


Inhibit bacterial biofilm growth

Usually process ends up here and extracted protein is spray drayed. Impurities which are bound to protein are still present in the product (it should be emphasized), protein treated with high temperature is denatured (structure should be distorted on the graph).


Antiviral activity

Usually process ends up here and extracted protein is spray drayed. Impurities which are bound to protein are still present in the product (it should be emphasized), protein treated with high temperature is denatured (structure should be distorted on the graph).


Normalizes iron homeostasis

Usually process ends up here and extracted protein is spray drayed. Impurities which are bound to protein are still present in the product (it should be emphasized), protein treated with high temperature is denatured (structure should be distorted on the graph).



Usually process ends up here and extracted protein is spray drayed. Impurities which are bound to protein are still present in the product (it should be emphasized), protein treated with high temperature is denatured (structure should be distorted on the graph).

Active compounds
Milk is very important source of natural bioactive compounds, which may play key role in the nutrition and prevention of diseases.
The possibilities for milk-derived proteins are almost endless, with bioactive proteins such as lactoferrin, lysozyme, immunoglobulin A, lactoperoxidase, lactalbumin, various casein fractions, and more…
The powerful synergy between lactoferrin and lactoperoxidase has been used in a variety of applications, including products that support immune function and promote oral health.

Power of technology

SMF Health isolates and further purify milk-derivated proteins to obtain their pure form or their bioactive mixtures. Our product contains a blend of proteins with similar properties but operating through different mechanisms, resulting in a synergistic effect that provides significant benefits.



Our selection of milk-derived proteins, including lactoferrin and others, is specifically tailored for the following groups:
Infants and toddlers formulas to be used as powerful supplement naturally existing in breast milk as a replacement
Children, adolescents and teenagers to be used as a powerful immune-boosting supplement that helps support the body’s natural defenses against infections and diseases
Adults or the elderly with a weakened immune system
Adults with anaemia/high demand for iron
Supplement for adults with Inflammatory Bowel Diseases
Pregnant and breastfeeding women
Animal Nutritional supplement
Human products for oral hygiene
Human Skin care cream